Everything Majors: Declaring, Changing, Dropping!
Dartmouth is a liberal arts institution, meaning you can explore many different academic endeavors before settling on a major. In fact, students declare their major during the winter term of sophomore year, so you have a year and a half to explore before settling on a specific major! I wanted to share how the major declaration process works, and how it's very easy to change majors as well!
I personally began my academic journey wanting to become a biological anthropology major, or more specifically, anthropology "modified" with biology. Then, my interest was more towards biological chemistry, and finally biomedical engineering. During the winter of your sophomore year, with a major in mind, you detail every course you'd be taking until graduation and explain how these courses fulfill the major requirements.
For example, biomedical engineering has approximately 15 courses that must be completed –– with around 5-6 being prerequisites. You always have an academic/major advisor that assists you throughout the process. This organization is done on Dartmouth's "DartWorks" platform.

When the plan is complete, you officially declare it through Dartmouth's DartWorks platform. When the academic advisors within your major department accept the plan, you are all set!
Want to change your major? All you have to do is identify another major advisor within your new department, shuffle the list of courses, and get it reapproved! No specific applications required, which makes it super easy to switch around. The process is identical for modified majors, except that approval takes place in two departments instead of just one.
I have had so many interest changes during my time at Dartmouth that I'm glad these changes are quickly and easily approved! This allows you to explore options more freely, and as long as you decide on these changes before senior year (because the new list of courses might not fit your schedule so last-minute), anything is possible!