Cooper Ballard
The Transition from Pennsylvania to Hanover
Moving from Wayne, PA, to Hanover, NH, was certainly a significant change in my life. A week before moving in, I was extremely nervous that I would not be able to adjust to a new location that was pretty different from the one I am used to (spoiler alert: the adjustment was much better than I could have ever thought). Let me talk about what is similar and different about Hanover when compared to my hometown!
Although I do not live in a city, the suburbs that I live in are quite populated with shops and restaurants all around, making it feel as though I live in a mini city. So, when comparing this to Hanover, it is undeniable that Hanover is much smaller and less populated. However, Wayne has a very cute town nestled within the area, which is very similar to the town of Hanover! It is so amazing to be able to walk into Hanover and feel at home again, as they are incredibly similar in terms of size! The difference in size is not super noticeable, and both locations feel the same to me, which I think is amazing.

The weather is slightly different, but overall, it is not too much of an adjustment. Just like Wayne, Hanover experiences all four seasons, getting cold in the winter and hot in the summer. The only difference is that Hanover certainly gets colder than Wayne does, but it is overall not too bad of a difference! Although Wayne gets some amazing fall foliage, Hanover is simply unbeatable when it comes to the fall season. Both Wayne and Hanover have some amazing beauty to them, especially when it comes to the sunsets!

Now, when it comes to access to transportation, Wayne and Hanover certainly differ. Wayne is located just about 30 minutes outside of Philadelphia, meaning it is about 30 minutes away from the closest airport. In addition, Wayne is located right next to the train that can take you to places such as New York City and Boston. When it comes to Hanover, the closest international airport is about 2 hours away in Boston, and the closest train station is about 15 minutes away in White River Junction. So, although it is easier to access transportation in Wayne, that does not mean it is hard in Hanover! Thanks to the Dartmouth Coach Bus, it is super easy to access places such as the Boston airport, even though it is farther away.
As you can see, Hanover and Wayne are different in many ways. But at the same time, there are numerous similarities between the two locations that allow me to constantly feel at home no matter where I am!
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