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I'd be lying if I said Dartmouth classes were easy; thankfully, there are many incredible resources to help students, including other students!

The Academic Skills Center sponsors the Peer Tutoring Program every term. The Academic Skills Center is located in Berry Library and helps students reach their academic goals, whether that means "improve their academic skills or the ability to learn," according to their website. The Peer Tutoring Program fulfills that very goal by offering three tutoring sessions a week for each class; the sessions are taught by students who have already taken and done well in the class. 

The sessions run in a variety of ways. For some sessions, the tutors have practice problems prepared and give pseudo-lessons; in other lessons, the tutor answers questions from tough homework problems or general questions that came up during the lectures. 

In the spring term, I went to nearly every tutoring session for my Chemistry 11 class, which was a year's worth of general chemistry combined into ten weeks! My tutor was extremely helpful; not only did he know the chemistry material really well, but he also knew how the professor taught and what she expected from students, something you can't get from random online resources!

The best part about tutoring is that it's absolutely free, and tutors get paid! As most Dartmouth students take three classes per term, and each class has three hours of free tutoring every week, Dartmouth students can get up to nine hours of free tutoring every single week!

To get a sense of what classes have tutoring, here is the link to current tutoring sessions offered: current courses supported.

chart with course names
A preview of courses that have peer tutoring available!

All of this is to say that I definitely would not have gotten the grade I did in Chemistry 11 had it not been for the support of my peer tutor!

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