The Retreat That Made Me Rethink Happiness
Picture this: it's the day before Valentine's Day. You open up your inbox, expecting to see yet another campus organization with yet another fundraiser for Valentine's Day. Instead, you see the following:
"Today, AI makes you lonely, sad, disengaged, and unimaginative. Can you reclaim the pursuit for happiness? Can you be yourself?"
That's quite a way to begin an email, don't you think? As a philosophy major, I was hooked. Intrigued, I read on and was surprised to discover that this was for a retreat specifically about how artificial intelligence affects our lives. Even before coming to Dartmouth, I have been interested in the intersections between ethics and AI. I hadn't had the chance to explore this in any of my classes yet, but never thought the opportunity would arise through a four-hour retreat on a Saturday offered through a collaboration between five departments and institutions!

I submitted my application to the retreat and was fortunate enough to be among a small group of students who were accepted! Saturday morning, I made my way to the location, and wow, the next four hours would feel like a whirlwind. We discussed the symptoms that seemed to make AI and happiness incompatible, especially from a creative and social aspect. Then, we created poems in small groups, the caveat being that one of us was a human prompter, while our partners were the large language models (LLMs) actually generating said poem. (As the prompter in my group, I made my partner write a poem about cats.)
Midway through the retreat, we walked to Left Bank Books, a small bookstore in downtown Hanover. Fun fact: A lot of the books there are donations from members of the community! Because the retreat made it possible for us to get a couple of books for free, my inner bookworm excitedly roamed around, browsing the shelves and seeking my next read. I ended up getting two books in my favorite genres, fantasy and science fiction! (Funnily enough, one of them is about AI.)
Finally, we discussed how societies' portrayals of happiness affects how we attempt to achieve happiness. We realized that we think of the emotion as individualistic, rather than a collective goal. We then thought of what happiness could be if we started thinking of it as collaborative. While people may have different views on what happiness looks like, we realized that in general, happiness is contagious. If a small group of people—say, our friends or family, with similar interests and goals—are happy, they have the potential to spread that happiness to larger circles, and so on and so forth. This may be somewhat idealistic, but I left the retreat that Saturday afternoon with a clearer mind. AI may consist of a bunch of code and algorithmic decisions, but at the end of the day, happiness is a human quality.