My Fall Term Timeline: An End-of-Term Reflection
What an incredible term! From out-of-state travel to campus traditions, this fall term has been non-stop fun, and as I settle into my couch at home in western Nebraska for my six-week-long winter break, I reflect on the aspects that made the last two and a half months as memorable as they were.
September marked my return to campus after taking a very necessary break from classes (read all about it in my previous blog post, "Taking a Gap Year in the Middle of Winter Term"), and after moving into my single dorm and reuniting with my friends, I immediately knew this fall term would be special. Along with indulging in the renewed joys of Dartmouth, I witnessed the inauguration of Sian Beilock, Dartmouth's 19th president, and I joined a multitude of new activities, including the templating team for The Dartmouth Newspaper and Spilled Ink Poetry Club.
October proved to be one of the most exciting and eventful months of the term. On October 1st, my friend and I spontaneously decided to take a day-trip to Boston to explore and attend a Bird & Byron/Durand Jones concert (watch for a post about this in the near future)! The following weekend, another one of my friends and I hiked Gile Mountain near Norwich, Vermont to view the beautiful foliage that the east coast has to offer during the autumn season. Just a week after, yet another one of my friends and I decided to travel to Salem, Massachusetts to experience the spooky festivities, tour the historical sites of the Salem Witch Trials, and take pictures at the filming locations for the movie "Hocus Pocus!" My exciting trips, along with homecoming and Halloween, kept my October schedule packed and busy. These attractions in close proximity to Dartmouth's campus are accessible to tourists and students alike, and I am incredibly thankful to be located in such a central location of the east coast.
After attending the last home football games of the season and Spilled Ink Poetry Club's slam night, the month of November slowly approaches its end. I finish out the last of my assignments for my classes while slowly sinking into my couch at home in celebration of an unbelievably successful term. I can't express in words how grateful I am to have been given the opportunities I was, and I am so excited to experience whatever winter term has in store.