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 Picture of a Christmas tree surrounded by snow with a brick building in the background.

My Dartmouth winter has been such an incredible experience so far. From the late night hangouts in dorms to the annual snowball fight, I have fallen in love with winter term already! Let me tell you about the highlights of the first three weeks. 

The Weather: You have probably heard by now that Dartmouth is quite cold. This is definitely true, but I have found that if you bundle up, it really is not that bad! This week we are experiencing pretty intense cold weather, so my friends and I have been sure to hang out inside as much as possible. Although the cold at times can definitely be hard, it does in fact force us to be inside more and hang out with friends, which I think is super important! In addition, I do have to note that when it is not snowing, it is typically very sunny here, which makes it feel warmer and makes the vibes on campus substantially better.

Snow falling on grass with an American flag pole in the middle.
Snow in the town of Hanover!

Midnight Snowball Fight: This past Sunday night, there was heavy snow, which started to pile up quite quickly. After a few hours of snow, the entirety of Dartmouth received an email from Dr. Seuss himself, telling us to meet at the Green at midnight for a campus wide snowball fight. My friends and I were super excited for this iconic tradition, and got bundled up to walk there. Once we arrived at the Green, the snowball fight began, and it was simply so much fun. Getting to play around with friends and also just random people made the experience so incredible!

Picture of people huddled in the snow.
The snowball fight on the Green!

 Winter term has been phenomenal so far, and I cannot believe it's moving so quickly!

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