Serena Goldstein
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Frisbee! Frisbee! Frisbee!
Before arriving at Dartmouth, I had never played Ultimate Frisbee before, and I barely knew how to throw a disc. However, I am now a proud member of The Dartmouth Womxns Ultimate Frisbee Team: Daybreak!!
I first heard about the team during the student involvement fair (aka the club fair) on the Sunday before the first day of classes. Representatives from hundreds of different student clubs, teams, and organizations set up booths on the field to tell students about their club! This event is geared towards first-years, and it really helped me engage with and learn about the different ways I can be involved at Dartmouth.
I played sports in high school, and I knew I wanted to stay active and join a club sports team. But, I just wasn't sure which sport was for me.
The club fair definitely helped me decide. All the club leaders manning their booths were so friendly and couldn't wait to tell me all about their student group! Moreover, at Dartmouth, clubs communicate through GroupMe, a group messaging app that allows leaders and members to communicate and stay in touch with each other. I joined a ton of GroupMe chats for clubs I knew I wanted to get involved with, like Hillel or Spilled Ink (the poetry club). But, if I wasn't sure that I wanted to join a sport, or any other club for that matter, I still joined their GroupMe chat if I was interested. This allowed me to hear more about what a particular club is and what they do! This is helpful because there are so many clubs I engaged with at the club fair, but I didn't always have time to ask every question I had because I wanted to keep exploring. I could keep getting information about a particular club even when the club fair was over.
Anyway, I joined the Club Frisbee GroupMe, and they messaged the group a couple days later saying they would be throwing the Frisbee around on the Green, and that club members and anyone interested should show up! I did just that, and it was really fun. The returning players were so friendly and loved teaching us how to properly throw a disc!
I love being able to run around on a field and play a super-duper fun sport with awesome and encouraging people, and I can't wait for our Winter tournaments!
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