Dungeons & Dragons at Dartmouth
Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) is a fantasy role-playing game where you act as an original character embarking on an adventure within a fantasy setting. The Dungeon Master (DM) builds the setting in which this adventure will occur. I like to think of D&D campaigns as stories: the DM is the narrator, and you as the character make decisions, whether intentionally or with a roll of a die.
I was first introduced to the world of D&D in high school, but was worried that I would have to leave it behind once I started college. Luckily, I wasn't alone; others on campus shared my enthusiasm for the game. Therefore, we came together to form a campaign with both new and experienced players. This campaign quickly became one of the highlights of my first year, and dare I say that it kept me sane? A huge shoutout to my DM Paul, without whom this would not have been possible.
After a summer away from campus, our Dungeons & Dragons campaign group has reunited. I am happy to say that we'll continue playing, with my huge d20 making an appearance as always—it's practically our mascot at this point!

If you're interested in D&D or other tabletop RPGs, Dartmouth has you covered! Enter the Creative Gaming Club, where people gather to play a variety of board games and RPGs. Some people in this club are kind enough to be DMs for a variety of campaigns. Campaigns come in two forms: one-shots, where one "story arc" (beginning, middle, and end) occurs during one session, or regular campaigns, which are more full-fledged, stretching throughout multiple sessions. Best of all, you do not need any sort of experience whatsoever to join a D&D campaign! While creating your character may seem daunting, a good DM will kindly walk you through the process. The rest is smooth sailing, although I can't promise that your character won't experience some bumps here and there! After all, what's a good story without adversity?