Fall is Fast Approaching!
I've said this before and I'll say it again—these are my favorite blog posts to write and to revisit. As I pack my bags for one of the final experiences of my Dartmouth Italian study abroad program, a week-long language pledge homestay (more details on this soon!), I keep finding myself thinking about the upcoming term.
Next term, I'm really focusing on my Classical Studies major! I'll be taking Latin 10.01 (The Landscapes of Latin Literature), Classics 6 (Introduction to Classical Archaeology), and Classics 11.19 (Before Billboards and Twitter: Coins as Text). I'm especially excited for Classics 11, because it's a hands-on class! My fellow classmates and I will be able to learn from the Hood Museum of Art's collection and prepare for a real coin installation in the museum. I can't wait to share more in a future blog post!

A tough decision I had to make while electing courses for this term was whether I wanted to continue my study of Italian from my summer study abroad program or jump back into Latin. I ultimately decided to return to studying Latin, because it works better with my major plan and I really miss the language. Additionally, I will still be able to participate in Italian department programs to keep up on my studies!
Although I have absolutely loved my summer abroad in Rome, I really miss campus and all of the organizations and clubs I participate in there! This fall, I hope to deepen my involvement in a few activities that I really enjoy, since I won't be on campus until sophomore summer.
My role in Dartmouth Civics, an organization for voting and civic engagement, will be increased because of the presidential election, but also because I recently accepted the position of Membership Director for 24F. I'm excited to step into this new role and do everything I can to get my fellow students civically engaged!

This fall, I also hope to become more involved with the Christian community on campus. There are so many great spiritual groups at Dartmouth (with many events open to all of campus), and I really want to find my place in one of them!
As always, I'll continue pursuing my love for writing in the fall term through this blog and the sports section of The Dartmouth. And who knows—maybe I'll try my hand at writing some fiction or poetry through one of Dartmouth's many literary magazines.
I'm looking forward to getting back on the water soon through Ledyard Canoe Club. A personal goal of mine is to become a club leader this term and start leading my own canoeing trips! I never knew how much I appreciated the Upper Valley until I spent a whole summer in an urban environment. I'm sure I'll be hiking, canoeing, cycling, and just soaking up sun on the Green as much as I can this fall.

Wow, writing this blog post really has me missing Hanover! I can't believe how much a small little town in New Hampshire has come to mean to me, but I'm not complaining. For the next few weeks, I'll be enjoying the last days of my summer in Rome. But soon, I'll be back home (that rhymed)!