Youmi Ji
My first weeks at Dartmouth: meeting new friends!
First-Year Trips
First-Year Trips (FYT)—the preorientation camping trip—is one of the most well-known traditions at Dartmouth. There are a variety of activities for everyone, regardless of how comfortable in the outdoors you are. I didn't have much outdoor experience, but I never felt left behind throughout the entire trip, thanks to my TLs (trip leaders), tripees, and all the other trip coordinators.
I was assigned to the "moderately strenuous hiking" group, but our group did so much more than just hiking. Read more about my experience here!
Collis After Dark
During the orientation week, Collis After Dark hosted mini-events at night where first-years students meet other members of the class. Even though they are optional, I strongly recommend going to these events to meet new people and just to have some fun! Looking back, after almost halfway through my first term, I realize that this is where I met some of my closest friends today.
The Ledyard Docks
Dartmouth College is conveniently located right next to the Connecticut River. My friends and I would always have a picnic at the Boathouse if we wanted to take our minds off of our work or if we simply had a few extra hours. The Ledyard Canoe Club is located at the river, where students can rent canoes, kayaks, or paddle boards for free. My favorite time to be there is at sunset: bring some snacks and a speaker, invite a few friends, enjoy the sunset, and let your worries go. :)
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