Singing with Dartmouth Forte!
For the past year, I've helped coordinate the subclub Dartmouth Forte, which exists within the club Dartmouth Generations! Generations focuses on connecting students with seniors in the Upper Valley, primarily those who have Alzheimer's. There are a variety of activities available for students to be involved in within different subclubs, from participating in movement therapy and art therapy, to travelling to the Kendal at Hanover Senior Living Center to have some insightful conversations with residents. You can read more about Generations here.
I lead the music side of things! Dartmouth Forte is the subclub that organizes music performances for seniors in the Upper Valley. As student musicians, we perform songs that we like of any genre in a casual setting. From classical to oldies to newer songs, we jam and let our audience join in. I personally play guitar and sing (my go-to has been Fast Car by Tracy Chapman).
So far, we've collaborated with the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center's Aging Resource Center and the Bugbee Senior Center. This past Saturday, we got to play some music at the new Memory Café, led by medical students at the Geisel School of Medicine! The Memory Café's aim is to provide a social group for people with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia and their families. This past Saturday, three of us played some songs for the beginning of the session. After that, we all did chair exercises together, and families were provided canvases and paint to create some pretty paintings. I got to sit with some people and speak with them about their lives–it was a wonderful time!
I'm so excited to see what comes next for Forte in the fall!