Martin Skacel
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Martin's D-Plan
What's a D-Plan?-
FallHanover, NH
Favorite Class: BIOL 16: EcologyIn this course, we covered all the basics of ecology: how organisms interact with each other and with their ecosystems. My favorite parts of the class were the labs: they took place outside and we explored ecological concepts around campus!
WinterHanover, NH
Favorite Class: EARS 21: Transforming Energy SystemsThis course was on everything energy: how we use it, how we generate it, and how we can improve our current energy systems in light of climate change. We visited nearby energy systems, including Dartmouth's very own heating and energy facilities. This course was awesome!
SpringHanover, NH
Favorite Class: ENGS 21: Intro to EngineeringThis was a project-based class where we chose an important issue and then designed a solution, using the principles and methods we learned in class. My group made a smart trash can to make recycling easier!
Powder Day at the Dartmouth Skiway!
Dartmouth College owns and operates its own skiway… the Dartmouth Skiway! Today, I visited for the first time. Read about what it's like to have slopes so close to campus!
The Irving Institute's First-Year Fellows Program: Fall Term
This term, I joined the Dartmouth Irving Institute's First-Year Fellows program, a new initiative designed to help first-year students get involved with sustainable energy at Dartmouth. Read about it here!
My Classes this Fall (23F): Ecology, Sociology, and Spanish
As my first term at Dartmouth comes to an end, I wanted to provide some thoughts and reflections on my classes this term. Take a look... maybe you'll find something you'd like to take!
A Look Inside of Biology 16: My Ecology Lab!
Many STEM courses at Dartmouth have a "Lab" component. What does this mean? Take a look inside of one of the STEM "Lab" courses here: Ecology! This week, we investigated Aquatic Invertebrates in local streams.
Hanover Happenings: Family Weekend and Visits from Friends
The past week has been busy! Not only was it Family Weekend and then midterms week, but two of my friends from high school came to visit! Let me tell you about these exciting events at Dartmouth…
My Favorite Spots on Campus So Far!
Dartmouth has beautiful architecture and atmosphere… but I've found that there are more cool spots hidden around campus than generally meet the eye. Let me show you some of my favorite places I've discovered at the College so far!
Opportunities in Biology at Dartmouth
When I was applying to colleges, I didn't know much about biology at Dartmouth. What classes might I take as an incoming first-year? What extracurriculars in biology are there to explore? Let me break it down for you!
Random Adventures in DALI, Soccer, and Podcasts at Dartmouth
At Dartmouth, you'll be bombarded with a seemingly limitless number of clubs and activities that you can try out. I've been trying out several myself: A Dali-Lab UI/UX design class, a podcast on the Dartmouth Radio Station, and intramural soccer.
Planting Friendships Among the People, Places, and Pines at Dartmouth
A common worry when going to college is "how will I make friends?" At Dartmouth, it's understandable to have similar concerns. That being said… How can you make friends at Dartmouth?
From Veazie to Hanover: A Brief Introduction!
I'm here to tell you about Dartmouth... but who am I? As I start my journey at the College (and as a People Places Pines blogger), get to know a little bit more about me and what interests me!