I want to go back home… to Dartmouth.
"Where do you go to school?"
A common question I was asked this past weekend as I attended a conference at Harvard. It was my first time exploring Boston so I was super excited to see all the beauties the city had to offer. My travels, meals, and activities in the city were all funded through the 4E fund offered within the Dartmouth Financial Aid office. The 4E fund was established to grant students to financially account for emergencies, essentials, experiences, and enrichment opportunities. This fund was a true blessing as it allowed me to meet and connect with some other amazing Latina professionals at the Harvard conference—not only did it support me to network, but to also simply have an amazing time in Boston with a friend I have not seen in a while; I tried some new foods and went to the Museum of Fine Arts!

A nice perk about Dartmouth is its inclusivity in the woods. We create our own hustle and bustle through study groups, dance classes, and acapella performances outside of the classroom. Personally, being in a big city for college would have been a bit too overwhelming for me. When I am at Dartmouth, I know that I am going to be safe and surrounded by members of the Dartmouth and Hanover community. I love feeling connected to my campus as I walk across the beautiful snow filled green filled with dogs running around, students ice skating, and others running back to their dorms from the New England cold.
Something I took for granted was also my classmates. The type of person that makes up the Dartmouth community knows how to work and play hard in the best way possible. Our clubs are filled with passionate students and curious changemakers who are also welcoming. Not only are there a substantial amount of professional development clubs but also ones to let loose.
For example, last Wednesday I went to an open house event for Sheba, one of our many dancing groups on campus. It was extremely welcoming which was perfect for me as I had very little dancing background. Our instructors were fellow Dartmouth students who are official members of the troupe; this class included a range from first years to seniors and we all had so much fun learning how to let loose! Special shoutout to dance group 5, we had so much fun performing together.

After dance practice I went to Foundations, which is a social impact consulting group within the Dartmouth Center for Social Impact. It was super interesting: our task was to build the tallest tower we could with spaghetti straws, string, tape, and a marshmellow. This helped us see how important brainstorming is when implementing a new project yet also the beauty of failure. The Engineering professor, Eugene Korsunskiy, teaches the popular Dartmouth course called ENGS 12 Design Thinking. The course is open to all majors, it is one of those classes you just have to take if you are at Dartmouth.
All of these activities mentioned were completely free which I think is super inclusive to all of the Dartmouth community. Dartmouth does a great job at ensuring students have the ability to be balanced.
So which activity would you do on a Wednesday night: explore a dance group, go to a cool club, or check out a new band in a fraternity?
Secret: At Dartmouth, you could choose them all!