Home Is Where the Heart Is…
Throughout the summer's slow passage of time, I couldn't help but feel drawn towards Dartmouth. Despite — or maybe because of — experiencing a year at this wonderfully quaint, small college, Hanover kept calling my name. The passage of time at Dartmouth is somehow different from anywhere else. There are a mix of emotions that arise with the beautiful (and beautifully agonizing) experiences of Dartmouth, whether it be during the bone-chilling yet delightful annual snowball fight on the Green, desperately trying to find a study spot during finals week, or relaxing outside at the slightest hint of warm, sunny weather. As memories of walking around campus while basking in the perfect mixture of suburban feel, pines, and the ever-present buzz of construction arose, I couldn't help but answer.
Soon, Dartmouth. I will see you so soon.
As I stepped onto campus, I quickly became rejuvenated by the scent of the brisk, blissfully pollen-free air of New Hampshire. Dartmouth was no longer calling my name, beckoning me to come. Instead, the College welcomed me with open arms.
I am home.

September marks the beginning of a new academic year. I previously reflected on my first year at Dartmouth and realized just how much I have grown and changed in that year alone. I expect nothing less during my second year here, and I look forward to all that Dartmouth has to offer.
Bring it on.