Reconnecting with the Gym at Dartmouth
I've never been super big on working out. Like, at all. Growing up, I played basketball and danced, so I was definitely active, but I never found a fitness routine that truly clicked or made me feel good in the long run. I've tried before (see my article on keeping up with new year's resolutions… safe to say the gym routine I was hoping for then didn't really materialize). This term, though, something shifted. For the first time, I found myself genuinely committing to the gym at Dartmouth. Here's how I reconnected with Alumni Gym and found a routine that actually works.
The first step was recognizing that I'd never really put my wellbeing at the center of my fitness intentions before. I'm not sure what sparked the change, but this term, I began to look at the gym as part of taking care of myself, rather than a place to achieve some ideal fitness level. And that shift has made all the difference.
Dartmouth's Alumni Gym, open to all students, is right across from East Wheelock House dorms (East Wheezy Represent!). Now, even though I live off campus, it's just a quick 10-minute walk from my house in Hanover, so the track to the gym doesn't feel burdensome at all.
I started simple: a 30-minute incline walk every day. Nothing too intense, but something to ease into both mentally and physically. For anyone who's been on an incline walk, you know it's no joke! About a month in, I started to notice a few things. First, my energy levels were better throughout the day. And second, I was feeling more at ease in the gym and with my body image. Now, I'm on a three-month streak. I go if I feel up for it, and if not, I rest. I'm careful to respect my physical limits and not push myself unnecessarily.

What's even better is that the gym no longer feels intimidating. If I'm unsure how to use a piece of equipment, I just ask someone nearby for help. This comfort in admitting what I don't know has given me a whole new sense of security.
I'm thrilled to finally have a sustainable, secure relationship with the gym at Dartmouth. Here's to Alumni Gym and finding a routine that feels right.