Let's Get Lost in the Library! A deep dive into the known, unusual, and hidden study spots all around Dartmouth's campus! Up next, Baker Library!
Reece Sharp 2028
Dartmouth's Chinese New Year celebrations brought a sense of home through themed dining, student-led events, and cultural gatherings, fostering community and appreciation for the holiday.
Taylor Wen 2027 -
ENGS 12: Design Thinking—one of Dartmouth's most popular courses. Read on to hear about my experience, key takeaways, and how the class reshaped my approach to creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving.
Madison Wuu 2028 -
A history class that starts with music, brings the past to life through debates and museum visits, and just might make me a history minor—welcome to History of China Since the 1800s.
Tess Hunter 2028 -
There is a huge variety of classes and teaching styles at Dartmouth and my courses this term exemplify just that!
Eloise Taylor 2028 -
In this post, I write about student-professor relationships and the undergraduate focus at Dartmouth.
Brandon Mioduszewski 2025 -
All three of my classes this term visited the Hood Museum of Art for curated art study sessions related to class content. I have had these sessions in prior terms too, and I really enjoy these experiences.
Lily Johnson 2027 -
What is happening on campus over the winterim? In this blog, I interviewed another friend who also spent some time on campus over the interim.
Taylor Wen 2027 -
How feasible is it to work a job and be a full-time student at a school like Dartmouth? What are student employment opportunities like?
Garrett Crouch 2026