Crystal Wang
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Crystal's D-Plan
What's a D-Plan?-
FallHanover, NH
Favorite Class: CHEM 11Chem 11 is my first pre-health course (and consequently my favorite course thus far); I came into Chem 11 with a bit of apprehension over what to expect since the course takes the place of the two-course alternative Chem 5 and 6 sequence. I’ll admit, there was a bit of a learning curve, especially since I hadn’t taken chemistry since junior year of high school, but Prof. Wenlin Zhang’s office hours have become an excellent way for me to gain a better grasp of the course content and work with other students through new concepts. I’m super glad that I chose this course for my first fall!
WinterHanover, NH
Favorite Class: WRIT 07.47: Visual PoemsMy First-Year Seminar, a Dartmouth requirement for all first-year students, concerns poetry that has a unique focus on the visual nature of the work. From pieces that cover an actual description of a work of art, to pieces that form a unique shape, we discuss how form can have a meaningful impact on the interpretation of the poem itself. I originally wasn’t too sure if I would enjoy this class since my experience with poetry is pretty sparse, but I found myself really enjoying the analytical discussions that we have. Features of the class include trips to the Hood Museum of Art and the Book Arts Workshop!
So You Want to Join the Woods: All About the Peer Letter of Recommendation (Part Six)
You've submitted your application, now it's time to submit your peer letter of recommendation!
So You Want to Join the Woods: Diving into the Art Portfolio (Part Five)
A lesser-known aspect of the college application, the art portfolio is a great way to showcase your creative work!
So You Want to Join the Woods: A Tale of Two "Why Dartmouth"s (Part Three)
As I reflect on my first semester at Dartmouth, I can't help but think about how one year ago, I wrote my "Why Dartmouth" supplemental essay. Let's see what has changed since then!
So You Want to Join the Woods: Tackling Interview Season (Part Four)
As wintertime rolls around and applications begin to be read, applicants may be offered the opportunity to interview with a Dartmouth alumni. Read on to learn more about the ins and outs of the process!
It's Got a Ring To It! Friday at the Donald Claflin Jewelry Studio
Midterms are upon us! How do Dartmouth students destress? Join me in the jewelry studio to find out!
Apple cider? I hardly know her!
It's 10:00 am on a Saturday and I've just finished my first apple cider of the day! The fall quarter isn't in full swing until you've visited the Norwich Farmers' Market!
So You Want to Join me in the Woods: Musings on the Application Process (Part One)
It's been (almost) a full year since I was in your (figurative) shoes! Let's take a trip down memory lane and dissect my Dartmouth application process. Part one of a long journey!
This is SO Going on Strava: A Recap of My First-Year Trip!
First-Year what? Dartmouth makes good use of its surroundings! Follow me (into the woods) as I highlight my current favorite experience so far as a first-year student at Dartmouth!
Hey! Is this thing on?
Hi! I'm Crystal, a '28! I've spent almost a month in the woods and I figure it's time to finally introduce myself! Featuring: (hopefully) fun facts, future plans, and everything in between!