Two Days of Sunshine and Shaggy: Reflecting on my First Green Key!
Each spring, Dartmouth's most anticipated tradition, Green Key, acts as a celebration for the arrival of a new season and the approaching conclusion of the term. With live music, free food, and student-hosted activities spanning across the length of campus, Hanover was buzzing with anticipation for Friday night's main event: music performances by student band Read Receipts, rapper Young M.A, and Jamaican musician Shaggy.
Personally, my friends and I began our Friday festivities following afternoon classes with a block party. Here, student band Tightrope and guest group Dogpark performed a plethora of songs for students to dance to before Read Receipts, Young M.A, and Shaggy were scheduled to take the stage on Gold Coast Lawn later in the evening.

At around 6:45 pm, Dartmouth's undergraduate student body made their short journey from the block party to the side of Russell Sage Hall to line up for entry into the make-shift venue, with Read Receipts taking the stage at 7:30 pm (who I featured in a previous blog post with an interview from Read Receipts guitarist Jackson Yassin '26–check it out!). Here, the Collis Center's Programming Board handed out a limited supply of Green Key t-shirts to those who wanted one, as well as cups of water to ensure that everyone stayed hydrated during the concert.
My friends and I gathered towards the center of the crowd and danced to songs from Read Receipts, Young M.A, and Shaggy until the sun set on the first eventful day of Green Key weekend.

The second day was spent with free Ben and Jerry's ice cream and BBQ provided by Dartmouth in front of the Collis Center for Student Involvement as visiting bands from around the country performed on the Collis Porch.
With the variety of activities offered during Green Key weekend, it's no surprise that it is one of the most anticipated events of the year on Dartmouth's campus. With this being my first one (since I took the winter and spring terms off last year), my expectations were pleasantly surpassed. I find myself feeling bittersweet writing this post knowing that these are only memories now and not long-awaited activities anymore. But with the end of this year's Green Key weekend comes excitement for a new round of memories to create during next year's Green Key!
Until next spring, Green Key.