Kabir Beotra
A Word of Advice for the ED Admits for the Class of 2027
If you're reading this: congratulations!
Being an Early Decision admit to a school like Dartmouth is such a fantastic spot to be in. You're halfway through senior year, are bound to one of the best colleges in the United States, and no longer have to fill out pesky applications and spend your New Year thinking of creative ways to finish essays. And, perhaps on a more serious note, you get a longer amount of time than most of your future classmates to envision a life at Dartmouth.
So, here's my advice, as someone who was in your shoes exactly one year ago, an ED admit for the Class of 2027, for what you should and should not be doing.
Firstly, be excited and happy for yourself! In the hustle and bustle of college applications, we sometimes forget to take a moment for ourselves. You've probably worked very hard your entire high school life, hoping it would culminate at this point. News flash: it has! Taking some down time to relax, celebrate, and just sit with your achievements is a very important first step to a successful journey ahead.
Secondly, and this is just for caution! Do keep up with your grades and your work. I've had a lot of friends, before college, who got into their ED schools and decided to take the rest of senior year lightly, and that's never ended up well! Word of advice: if you just maintain the same level of scholarship you displayed to get into Dartmouth, not only will you be fine, but also will be better equipped to take on the academic aspect of your college life.
Don't get overly anxious about wanting to connect with people. With the advent of social media and Instagram, the urge to DM each and every single one of your classmates will be super strong. I remember feeling like if I didn't message every single ED admit, I'd be already falling behind in the social rat race. But trust me: resist the urge! I'm telling you to reach out to and connect with people who you genuinely like during the first impression. And here's something EVERY single Dartmouth student will tell you: the friends you make before you enter college are almost always never the friends you keep through your freshman fall. So, keep the faith and make friends, but remember: it's not the end of the world if you don't walk into college with a hundred friends.
Finally, don't let someone color your experiences too much. When I was in your spot, I was constantly reaching out to upperclassmen to ask questions about Dartmouth. And while that's a good thing, that can also have its downsides! The biggest one was this: I realised that before coming to Dartmouth, I was viewing its isolated, but extraordinary world through someone else's eyes. Asking questions is always good, but asking too many can lead to you trying to mould a college experience that isn't uniquely yours. I promise this: I didn't have a single question that wasn't answered, or answered better, during Orientation Week (colloquially called O-Week) or during weekly e-mail check-ins from the Admissions Department before college started.
I'll end this how I started! Congratulations, you should be immensely proud of yourself and your accomplishments. Dartmouth, and I, cannot wait to welcome you with open arms.
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