Women's Bible Study
When I first came to Dartmouth, I was introduced to many '25s at orientation and other first-year related activities. However, I did not know many upperclassmen. That changed when I joined a Bible Study group of '24 women.

The group is led by two '24s who select readings and guide our weekly discussions. There are about 30 members with 15 who attend regularly. We meet every Thursday at 5 PM, so after a long day of classes, we can all gather and spend time together.
In the group, we read a new Bible study guide book each term that leads our discussions. We apply Christian principles to our experiences at Dartmouth and beyond.
Through this group, I have met so many amazing women who I otherwise would not have known. After each Bible study, I always try to eat dinner with at least a couple group members. Over Foco stir fry and pizza, I have developed friendships with '24s who have a variety of different backgrounds, interests, and personalities.
As I'm writing this blog on the first floor of Berry Library, I'm sitting with Paige, whom I met through the group. We are in the same Federal Indian Law class, and as she is Pre-Law, she has been a tremendous help to me in and out of class. By joining the group, I gained a great friend and classmate who is always willing to help!

We maintain an active GroupMe that serves as an announcement board and a general place for us to talk. We look out for each other, and if anyone ever needs anything, a group member always jumps in to help.
My Bible Study has been one of my favorite on campus activities so far. It has shown me the benefits of getting to know upperclassmen, and I really appreciate upperclassmen being so welcoming to everyone. Whether it's a Bible Study, ultimate frisbee team, or even Dartmouth Circus Club, there is a place for everyone, and clubs allow students to form great friendships.