Daniel Kang
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Favorite Spots to Study
With my second quarter at Dartmouth almost coming to an end, I wanted to share where my favorite spots to study both on campus and off campus are!
- Berry Third Floor (specifically the edge seats)
Dartmouth's main library is the Baker-Berry Library, and it's subdivided into Baker and Berry sections. Berry has four floors, and each ascending floor becomes increasingly quieter. Third floor, in my opinion, is the perfect balance between silence and noise, as students can whisper to each other if they have questions but also focus immensely due to the limited noise level. Personally, the edge seats are a great space for me as every person gets their own table, facing a window with an amazing view. I always have a laptop, tablet, and books out on the table that, sometimes, shared spaces are insufficient. Third floor also has both a bathroom and a printer, which makes it perfect for accomplishing any tasks you have for the day.
- Still North Café
Still North Café is a coffee shop about 5-minutes away from campus, on Main Street. It's a combination of a bookstore and café; they have most of the books Dartmouth students need for English and Creative Writing courses! My go-to order here is the iced vanilla latte and ricotta + honey, and I sit on the window seat doing some less intense work (mainly STEM). This is an extremely popular spot for both students and locals, so you have to arrive around their opening hours (9AM on most days).
- Novack Café
Novack Café is at the bottom floor of Berry. They sell most Starbucks drinks, pastries, and other beverages and food items. It's a great place to use your meal swipe and complete work. Similar to Still North, I also do less intense work here like my Physics problem sets or lecture re-watching because of the high noise level.
One tip when discovering your favorite study spots on campus is to pick at least two—one for intense work that requires immense concentration and one for less intense work that can be done in a more inattentive manner.
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