The Green City Program in Berlin has four course options! This is an account of my experiences with the classes I took, hoping to help anyone considering the program.
Yehalah Fernando 2026
At Dartmouth, there is an undergraduate requirement for language; after all, it is the liberal arts! Fulfilling this requirement looks different for various people and I will focus on my experience.
Lily Johnson 2027 -
The beginning of my adventures in Berlin and my first impressions of the city I will be living in for the next three months!
Yehalah Fernando 2026 -
As I immerse myself in the French way of life, I look forward to sharing my experiences with you, avid readers of People Places Pines!
Batuhan Saridede 2026 -
As it is nearing the end of my Sophomore Summer, I've been reminiscing about my Summer last year; I miss studying in Rome greatly.
Chase Harvey 2025 -
As someone who grew up with Turkish as my main language, my language-learning journey at Dartmouth College has been unique and filled with opportunities for growth and exploration.
Batuhan Saridede 2026 -
For the first time in my life, I genuinely want to keep up with my resolutions this year. After all, so much has changed since last year! This week, I want to share with you the ways in which I get to fulfill my resolutions at Dartmouth.
Batuhan Saridede 2026 -
As I grew older within my small town in the southern United States, I developed a desire to travel the world. Although I was only in Italy for the summer, living in a foreign country has been an influential experience I will never forget.
Chase Harvey 2025