My Art History class had a field trip to New York City for one weekend over our sophomore summer!
Lauren Halsey 2026
This past summer, I studied abroad in the Baltic states—Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia—with the government department and Irving Institute. Read on to learn more about my first study abroad experience!
Joanna Jou 2026 -
A look back at my Sophomore Summer!
Kabir Beotra 2026 -
I recently completed a language-pledge homestay week in the village of Orvinio, Italy as a part of the Dartmouth F.I.R.E. Italian study abroad program!
Lauren Groulx 2027 -
My sophomore summer interning near Toledo, Ohio and what I did to keep myself occupied!
Yehalah Fernando 2026 -
A snapshot of the long excursions during my LSA program in Spain via captioned photos.
Lily Johnson 2027 -
Here are some of my personal highlights of my Sophomore Summer term! (plus some pictures of flowers on campus)
Olivia Koo 2026 -
My friends and I rented one of the ZipCars on campus to go spend a day at Hampton Beach!
Andrea Agola 2026 -
Read about what I've been up to in Seattle during my first off term!
Julia Cappio 2027