Reece Sharp
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Reece's D-Plan
What's a D-Plan?-
FallHanover, NH
Favorite Class: REL 62 Religion, Politics, and the PresidencyAs a student interested in both government and religion, I was thrilled to take this course in the fall—concurrent with the presidential election. The Professor, Randall Balmer, was a really engaging speaker and a leading expert in the field—he even authored two of the course books! We spent our class time discussing many historical and modern elections and discussed in depth the religious influences on the various figures. Overall, this class was really interesting and a great introduction to the religion major!
My Walk From the River Cluster Dorms
Come with me on my daily morning walk from my dorm by the river to one of my favorite study spots on campus, Baker Library!
My Introduction to "Outing"
My experience with the Dartmouth Outing Club: First-Year Trips, Trailhead, and More! Plus lots and lots of pictures!
A Rambling Welcome!
Welcome! I'm Reece a '28 from California and I'm excited to introduce you to my blog. This is my first post, so please follow along.