What is 3D Magazine?
Though I may be biased because I work for Dartmouth Admissions, I think the people who work there are amazing and do really cool things, including publishing a semiannual magazine called the 3D Magazine.
Every fall and spring, Dartmouth Admissions sends out a copy of the magazine to thousands of prospective students, and it has an online version. Over four years ago, one of the very first issues arrived at my doorstep, and it was my very first introduction to Dartmouth.
The magazine generally has several profiles of students doing groundbreaking work off and on campus, as well as a couple of news stories. My favorite is a student's biography, along with their D-Plan and all the classes they've taken.
I remember reading one student's biography, which stood out to me because she was from Marietta (my hometown). A couple of weeks later, I met her while on a run in my neighborhood! Talking with her made me appreciate the genuineness of the 3D Magazine; she was exactly as they had portrayed her on paper.
I've written for the magazine for the past few years, and every student I've interviewed for a profile has been absolutely amazing (Kate, Batu, or Triumph, if you're reading this, you're rock stars!). Their profiles wrote themselves because they were all likable and had done many different things both before and during their time at Dartmouth. What's best about the student profiles is that everyone is very humble, and I really have to coax out their accomplishments!

If you haven't had a chance to visit Dartmouth's campus or want to get to know the school better, the magazine is an excellent resource. When you write your "Why Dartmouth" supplemental essay, you can find Dartmouth resources, athletics, arts, classes, professors, opportunities abroad, and so much more to talk about from the magazine! Reading about the different student D-Plans showed me how flexible Dartmouth's schedule was, and I wrote about that in my "Why Dartmouth" essay.
By the way, if you don't receive the magazine in the mail, use this link to sign up for it! To me, there's nothing better than reading a paper magazine.