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The Green in Summertime

After my spring term in Vietnam, I am back on campus for my sophomore summer. If you are familiar, sophomore summer is a quintessential Dartmouth tradition that nearly every student looks forward to. 

Sophomore summer is an academic term after students' sophomore year. It is ten weeks filled with classes, new experiences, and general bonding with your classmates. 

For my sophomore summer, I am taking four classes, which I am already enjoying! Most of my classmates are taking either two or three classes and have a generally lighter load than other academic terms. 

During the summer term, students oftentimes take classes totally outside their major or minor in order to take full advantage of the liberal arts experience. For me, that class is "The Jewish Jesus," which the Religion department is offering. I am learning about the historical Jesus figure from a visiting professor who is a fantastic lecturer! Though this class does not fulfill any general education requirements or my major or minor, I am really enjoying learning about a subject I have little experience with!

When I'm not in class, I have been spending afternoons along the Connecticut River with friends. Sophomores always flock to the river after classes, so it's a great social experience and a chance to meet new people!

During sophomore summer, people often get involved with extracurricular activities they normally don't have time for (or talent for!) during the normal school year. I joined the dance group Sugarplum, which is a jazz-ballet dance group. They take sophomores with little to no dance experience, which allows us to learn a new style of dance in a relaxed environment.

I'm living in an off-campus house, which is typical of most people during the summer. I'm living in a house with ten other friends, which has been a great experience.

Stay tuned for more sophomore summer updates!

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