Read along to learn more about Dartmouth's Tucker Center, the center for spiritual and religious life.
Caroline York 2025
In addition to blogging, I work as a Fellow for the Tucker Center, which focuses on promoting spiritual and ethical life on campus. As part of this role, I'm leading the Interfaith Alternative Spring Break Trip. Read on to learn more about my work!
Lily Johnson 2027 -
As my first year at Dartmouth comes to a close, I am interviewing my peers who lived in the interfaith LLC (Living Learning Community) with me.
Lily Johnson 2027 -
In addition to houses of worship, we went to museums and organizations during our week in DC.
Lily Johnson 2027 -
This past interim, I was part of an interfaith group that traveled to Washington DC! Houses of worship were a huge part of the trip and we were fortunate to have some wonderful tours and conversations.
Lily Johnson 2027 -
The Tucker Center (Dartmouth's religious center) is preparing for our interfaith trip to DC focused on American religious history.
Lily Johnson 2027 -
I am part of the Interfaith Living Learning Community, and this term we worked on a photovoice project and had an exhibition!
Lily Johnson 2027 -
Learn about my continued experiences with interfaith dialogue at Dartmouth and how it is impacting me!
Lily Johnson 2027 -
Which religious services are offered at Dartmouth? Is there a church or chapel or any other social group to feel connected to your faith?
A:There are a lot of ways in which you can stay connected with your faith at Dartmouth, and I have listed some of them below.
1) Student Organizations
a. Morning Glory Community Fellowship
Adrian Chimboza 2025