This week, I thought it might be interesting to hear from a few of my friends who are also studying abroad about their experiences!
Lauren Groulx 2027
What I've learned about studying abroad, and what I'll be doing differently this time!
Lauren Groulx 2027 -
A look back at my summer in Italy as a part of the Dartmouth F.I.R.E. Italian study abroad program!
Lauren Groulx 2027 -
I recently completed a language-pledge homestay week in the village of Orvinio, Italy as a part of the Dartmouth F.I.R.E. Italian study abroad program!
Lauren Groulx 2027 -
A snapshot of the long excursions during my LSA program in Spain via captioned photos.
Lily Johnson 2027 -
A few photos from my trip to Florence as a part of the Dartmouth F.I.R.E. Italian study abroad program!
Lauren Groulx 2027 -
You have questions about the foreign language requirement at Dartmouth? Read on. I've got answers.
Kalina Duncheva 2027 -
My first week in Spain has allowed me to discern distinct cultural differences. I have also been adapting to the time change, food, and speaking Spanish 24/7.
Lily Johnson 2027