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Riverview Farms

A few weeks ago, I went to pick some apples at Riverview Farm with School House, one of the six housing communities that each Dartmouth student is sorted into. It was my first-time apple picking in almost 10 years, so it was such a wonderful fall experience. 

Two rows of bushes with a path between them. Mountains covered in yellow and green trees in the background.
The (empty) blueberry shrubs

The farm was huge, and had plots of land for apples (15 different types!), blueberries, raspberries, elderberries, pumpkins, and flowers! 

A map of the farm drawn with chalk, depicting apple, raspberry, elderflower, blueberry, and flower plots.
The Farm Map

We were in the latter half of the season, so my friends and I opted to pick some raspberries and apples. I had never seen what a raspberry looks like still on the vine, so it was super cool to see how they grow. The raspberries were juicy, sweet, and just the right touch of tangy. It was hard not to eat them, but in the end, we were each able to get a box of raspberries! 

Two berry boxed filled with raspberries
The results of our raspberry efforts!
Close up of a tree full of apples
Apple abundance!

As for apples, the rows of trees seemed never-ending and were full of perfect-looking fruit. We tried five different types of apples; some of them were crispier, some sweeter, yet all of them were absolutely delicious. I was also reminded how satisfying it is to actually pick an apple; the twist and pull for that rewarding snap of the stem resulting in a sublime apple in your palm is very hard to beat. We chose to pick a bunch of different apples and left the farm with a hefty bag of apples that we snacked on the following days. 

A blonde girl picks an apple off of an apple tree and a blonde girl on a ladder picking apples
Maeve working hard!
A large red apple sitting on the palm of a hand. Apple trees in the background. AND A paper bag filled with red apples.
The plumpest apple I've ever seen and our final haul!

On the way back to campus, we stopped by Mac's Maple, a gorgeous farm that makes the most delectable maple syrup. We were greeted with maple glazed and sugared donuts that were a little warm, crispy on the outside, and perfectly soft and fluffy on the inside. We also bought their famous Maple Creemee, a delicious maple ice cream that, even in cold, rainy weather, was some of the best ice cream I've ever had. 

A table with four plates carrying donuts. A sign that reads "Welcome School House!" "Happy Fall!" and "Thanks for visiting Mac's Maple" sits in the middle of the table
The sweetest welcome! And my first maple creemee!

By the end of the day, I was exhausted but so fulfilled. Apple picking was at the top of my fall bucket list, and I fulfilled it at a quintessential fall farm—complete with a corn maze! The maple farm was also somewhere I was looking forward to visiting since I'd heard a lot about it from my older friends on campus. My friends and I view this trip as a "core memory" that we think we'll reminisce about later in life, or when we go apple picking again. I can hardly wait for next fall to roll around so we can hop back over to Riverview Farms and maybe get some blueberries with our apples!   

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