Nathan Hammerschmitt Le Gal
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Nathan's D-Plan
What's a D-Plan?-
FallHanover, NH
Favorite Class: BIOL 19 Honors Cell Structure and FunctionI took this class to explore the Biology Department and it ended up defining my freshman Fall. I grew close with other biology-minded students and together we delved deep into cellular mechanisms and processes in a fast-paced environment. The labs were long but rewarding and everything about this class made me a better scientist—Professor Bezanilla is an amazing teacher! I would recommend this class to anyone with a passion for biology and research.
WinterHanover, NH
Favorite Class: ENGL 07.16 Investigative Memoir“Who do I want to be?” is a question that I frequently ask myself as an undergraduate (and I’m sure you will as well). A good place to begin answering this question, however, is “Who am I ?” Taking Investigative Memoir as my first-year seminar allowed me to explore this question via personal reflection and expressive writing—something that has helped me frame my identity at Dartmouth with the rest of my life. College can be a surreal experience, but Professor Sharlet’s introduction to the world of creative nonfiction has given me the ability to transform my own perceptions into tangible, recorded stories.
SpringHanover, NH
As a kid I drew a lot; I was inspired by architectural books like “Pyramid” and “Castle” and fascinated by illustrations in “The Way Things Work.” All of these books are by the author David Macaulay—and I had the opportunity to take this very class with him! I completed weekly sketchbook exercises, worked on visually communicating inventions, and was able to receive personal feedback. The theme of visual illustration as a tool in engineering resonated strongly with me, inspiring my interest in an engineering major modified with studio art. Given my long relationship with his work, this class was truly a dream come true.
SummerAmherst, Massachusetts
I interned at a running biomechanics research lab in Amherst, MA, to explore my interests in kinesiology and running shoe design! I was able to self-fund the internship through a grant from the Dartmouth Center for Professional Development (CPD). I spent the rest of my summer reading, spending time with family, and took a trip to Quebec before returning to campus.
FallHanover, NH
Favorite Class: PHYS 013 Introductory Physics IThe first of a two-part series on classical mechanics, this class made physics refreshing and enjoyable. The content came primarily through lectures given by Professor Caldwell, who was extremely clear and made each class memorable with demonstrations, jokes, or historical tangents. The lab section, which involved hands-on physics experiments, reinforced my understanding of the material in a practical sense. I took this course as an engineering requirement, and I found it to be my favorite quantitative course thus far.
Chasing Fall Colors
This Fall term, I've spent a lot of time outside—check out the highlights from some of my experiences on and off campus!
Taking Studio Art at Dartmouth
Delve into my initial impressions of Drawing 1 and learn about the Studio Art Department!
My "Major" Interest Progression
Woah, it's already my second fall here!? Read on to learn where I am at this point in my academic career.
The Fifty!
Summary: What is The Fifty? Come find out! I was able to support The Fifty last weekend.
The Arc of a Term
What are the core periods and milestones in a Dartmouth term? What does the progression of a term feel like?
Favorite Hanover Trails
Dartmouth is surrounded by trails, trails, and more trails. Read on to learn about a few student favorites!
Which Study Abroad?
Learn about my experience selecting a study abroad program—the options are many!
Wrapping Up My Summer Internship
A look into my Dartmouth-funded experience conducting running biomechanics and shoe research.
A Guide to Dartmouth Schedules
Read on to learn about weekly plans and time-management in Dartmouth's fast-paced learning environment