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​In this blog post, I talked to my friend Abi, who's a '25 and is a double major in History and Middle Eastern Studies (MES). I've wanted to talk to a History major for a while, but I can do that in another blog post if you'd like to hear about her experiences as an MES major. Read on to hear what she has to say about the History Department!

What's it like being a History major?

It's very fulfilling because you get to dive into the history of the world around you. The professors are really great and super helpful. They care about what you learn in the classroom and how you can work hard to apply it to the real world. There are also great research opportunities in the History Department! You can also hone in on a specific region of the world and focus on that. For example, you could focus on the history of countries in Africa or the Middle East. It's a great way to concentrate on a place in the world and go super in-depth into its history in the global context.

What are your favorite classes you've taken?

My favorite classes are HIST 96.33 (Global History of Human Rights) and HIST 70 (Gender and the Modern Middle East). In HIST 96.33, I built a solid foundational basis for a field that I actually see myself getting into. I also got to understand the history of human rights; considering that history, I also conducted my own research over the term, focusing on how human rights exist on Dartmouth's campus. It was really interesting! HIST 70 was also great—it examined history through a gendered lens and opened my mind in many ways.

Any advice for incoming History majors?

Do not immediately focus on one specific area or region of history to focus on. Branch out and take classes that you'd never see yourself taking. Find professors and classes that you enjoy over your first year—don't come in with a closed mind and a set plan. All the best!

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