About the Program
The Community High School Program offers the chance for area high school students to take a Dartmouth course free of charge. Students are graded and receive college credit on a Dartmouth transcript just like any other Dartmouth student. The program is jointly administered by the Office of Admissions and the Office of the Registrar, with oversight by the Committee on Instruction.
Program Participation FAQs
Who can participate in the program?
The program is open to seniors and juniors in area high schools who are approved by their counselors to attend. Seniors may attend fall, winter, and spring; juniors may attend in the winter and spring terms.
Is there a fee?
The program is free of charge aside from books and materials necessary for the course.
How do students select their courses?
Students work with counselors from their high schools to select appropriate courses. Prospective students must have exhausted opportunities to take subjects within their high school to take courses at Dartmouth. Once a course is selected, the Admissions Office will formally reach out to the professor via email to request permission for the student to enroll in the class.
Are there courses that are out of bounds or ineligible to take?
Yes. The following courses are not open to high school students:
- Individual music instruction (lessons)
- Studio Art courses
- Writing 2, 3, 5; First-Year Seminars; and Humanities 1 & 2
- Mathematics 1 and 2
- History 5.03, 72, 74, 95
How are high school students graded?
CHSP students are graded the same way Dartmouth students are graded.
How are students selected or admitted to the program?
Students work with counselors from their high schools to determine if they are eligible for the program. If they are eligible, they submit the application materials and the Admissions Office will formally reach out to the professor via email to request permission for the student to enroll in the class.
Faculty Guidelines
Community high school students are welcome at Dartmouth College. They are identified by their counselor. You may or may not decide to permit a high school student to join your course as appropriate.
High school students may not displace a Dartmouth College student in a course; therefore, approving the request to join your course does not guarantee that they will gain entry.
High school students are treated the same as any other student in your class. This means they are held to the same grading, deadline, and conduct standards.
Dartmouth Faculty FAQs
How do I grant approval for a student to enroll in my course?
Faculty will receive an email with a link to an approval form once the student submits their application.
Am I required to accept a high school student in my course?
No. You are under no obligation to provide a space for a high school student.
Why didn't a student get into my course after I gave them permission?
Dartmouth policy is that high school students may not take the seat of a regular Dartmouth student; therefore, they may not enroll in courses where there are no seats open. If your course was full, a high school student would not be able to select the course.
Who may I contact with questions about this program?
Jaclyn N. Pageau '18, Assistant Director of Admissions
Will these students appear on my course roster and Canvas?
Yes, they will appear on rosters and Canvas just like Dartmouth students.
What information are students told about the program?
Students are directed to the CHSP website for information about the program.