In this post, I write about some advice I have for prospective college applicants.
Brandon Mioduszewski 2025
I applied through Questbridge's National College Match, but did not match. To others who also did not match, this is not the end of your application process! Here's what I did following match decision day.
Oscar Chun 2028 -
Learn about the different programs Dartmouth offers prospective students to explore campus life, learn about Dartmouth, and enjoy an all-expenses paid trip to Hanover!
Mario Lopez 2028 -
"What's it like working for admissions?" "Are you being truthful with your answers?" "Are you being scripted?" Let's dive right into all these questions.
Batuhan Saridede 2026 -
It's been (almost) a full year since I was in your (figurative) shoes! Let's take a trip down memory lane and dissect my Dartmouth application process. Part one of a long journey!
Crystal Wang 2028 -
What led me to apply Early Decision to Dartmouth?
Nathan Hammerschmitt Le Gal 2027 -
How my most interesting trait in high school became the most boring thing about me at Dartmouth.
Julia Cappio 2027 -
Choosing the right college is a critical decision that extends beyond mere rankings. Without the benefit of campus visits, it's vital to thoroughly research and understand each institution to ensure a fulfilling and safe experience.
Taylor Wen 2027 -
Summer is a great time for high school students to visit campuses and better make sense of the schools they want to apply to. In this blog, I will talk about some advice to make the most of your campus visit.
Taylor Wen 2027