On the Connecticut River
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a white cowboy hat with a pink ribbon around the base that says "Barbie"

​In Hanover, we have a classic small-town movie theater called The Nugget that shows current films at fairly standard movie theater prices, and I've been there a couple of times (to see Barbie this summer and Nope the summer before). In addition to the Nugget, though, the Hopkins Center for the Arts continually shows a wide range of films at the Loew Auditorium in our Visual Arts Center. I'd heard plenty of times about Hop Film, particularly that all Dartmouth students get five-dollar tickets to Hop film showings, but until recently, I'd never been to a Hop film myself. The features in the Hop Film series don't just encompass current blockbusters but old and new, big and small films alike, "[f]rom a quirky indie comedy and silent cinema to smash hits.

This summer, a friend of mine was taking FILM 1: Introduction to Film, from Script to Screen, and had to attend a number of Hop films (mostly shown at the Loew Auditorium in our Visual Arts Center) for the class, but since they were for class, the tickets were completely free! Since my ticket would only be five dollars, my friend invited me to join him for the showings a few times over the summer. On one occasion, we attended the showing of Asteroid City, which I greatly enjoyed–I haven't historically been a huge movie watcher, and as such, this was my first Wes Anderson film. It was fantastically visually appealing with a plot that left me with a lot to think about, and I loved it–best of all, it was cheap! 

As great as cheap film tickets are in themselves, I've since had other opportunities to engage with the Hop Film series. Early on in this fall term, an alumnus of my Greek house who works for the Hop contacted me to inquire about the possibility of our organization cosponsoring Hop Film's fall showing of Barbie. We're planning a Barbie-themed event at our house later in the term. After talking a bit more with the alumnus who'd gotten in touch with me, we decided it would be fun and mutually beneficial to cross-promote our events. Hence, Alpha Theta became a cosponsor of the Barbie showing!

We promoted the film showing on our social media, and on the day of, a fellow member and I got to introduce the film at the Loew (wearing the pictured Barbie hat) and say a few words about our organization and why we were excited about the film. This was also a chance to invite any students in attendance to our event coming up in a few weeks; it was a great opportunity to promote my house's efforts to create an inclusive, safe space on campus and, best of all, a number of our members got free tickets. I'm so glad I started engaging with Hop Film, no matter how late it was in my time at Dartmouth. Even as I enter my last year here, some opportunities and perks come with being a Dartmouth student that I'm still discovering! And if anyone was wondering, I think Barbie is even better the second time :)


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