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I have had multiple student jobs since my freshman fall: I worked in two different labs, Reading Brains Lab, and AIM High Lab, and I am a blogger for the admissions. I wrote about these jobs before, and you can read more about them here, but this blog post is all about my new job: facilitating first-year sessions for the Sexual Violence Prevention Project (SVPP).

SVPP is a two-year program designed for first-years and sophomore students, who attend in-person sessions each term even though the first two classes to complete the training, while 24s and 25s (juniors and seniors), had some online sessions . Each session has a different focus, ranging from resources at the college and the Upper Valley to recognizing signs of positive versus negative relationships. The ultimate goal is to create a campus community that actively prevents sexual violence from occurring. 

I completed sexual violence prevention during my first two years at Dartmouth and then I decided to apply to be a facilitator because I believe the project has a lot of potential in changing the culture of Dartmouth for the better. I was trained during sophomore summer and started facilitating sessions this term after I returned from my study abroad. 

I had the chance to facilitate the first-year session on Bystander Intervention, which discusses how to recognize harmful behaviors, barriers to intervening, and ways to overcome such barriers. While there is room for improvement in this training, it is also promising in how it gets first-years talking about how to be more active bystanders to prevent harm in their community. My favorite part of being a facilitator for SVPP is seeing students really engage with the content of the workshops, which always makes the session more fruitful. I also love meeting new people through SVPP, as we co-facilitate each session. It makes me so grateful and hopeful to see my peers sign up to educate each other for a safer campus for all. 

I also like SVPP because it is research-driven. The effectiveness of the facilitation sessions are studied in partnership with UNH Prevention Innovations Research Center. I have hope for the SVPP's future and Dartmouth because so many people are working to make it better. 

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