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Horseback riding!

Here at Dartmouth, we are really lucky to get long breaks! Winter break is 6 weeks, and every break between other terms is two weeks, meaning the traditional one week spring break for other colleges is two weeks for us!

Dartmouth students do a variety of things during spring break. Many students do trips through the College, including a Dartmouth Outdoors Club trip to many places including the Grand Canyon. Others do a Dartmouth Chamber Orchestra trip to perform in places like Mexico City, and some do trips with special classes. For me, spring break is a great time to relax after a fast-paced term. Thus, I always go home and rewind with my family and friends in Atlanta. However, if you can't tell already, Dartmouth students love to stay extremely busy, and I am no exception! Because of this, I am always doing something, even on break. 

I spent most of the break brainstorming the "culminating experience" for my classical studies major. For Dartmouth majors, you must complete a culminating experience that wraps up your academic study; this can look like a lot of different things for every person—for mine, I plan to write a 30 page research paper about Roman and Greek medical tools for a class, so I was looking into sources and ideas for this paper.

Also in my free time, I was tutoring for my Teach for America Ignite Fellowship, which is a virtual tutoring program (students at any college should do it, so definitely consider it when you reach college!). I also found time for some fun! I went horseback riding for the first time in a long time, and it made me really appreciate our equestrian team's skills! It was also nice catching up with friends from high school.

At the end of the day, everyone needs a break, regardless of what you're doing. Dartmouth's 10 week quarters can go by really fast, so taking two weeks to make time for yourself can be hugely beneficial. Now that spring term has started, I am completely refreshed and ready to begin a whole new term!

My three "siblings"
My three "siblings"

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