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Picture of a train station in Morocco

Last night, study abroad applications were due for the next academic year. Tons of students were packed into Berry Library plugging away at essays; in this post, I want to give some insight into what applying to study abroad looks like at Dartmouth, and also write a bit about my own study abroad experience in Morocco last summer!

Every year, study abroad applications are due on February 1st. These applications, all of which are through Dartmouth, include programs like FSPs, LSAs, and DSPs (foreign study programs, language study abroads, and domestic study programs, respectively). These different categories show that there are a wide variety of programs both domestically and abroad, focused either on language-acquisition or cultural and academic immersion. This year, I applied to an exchange program in Jerusalem!

The application consists of 4-5 short essay questions, asking for about 500 words each. The questions revolve around questions of travel; how do you interact with new people? Why do you want to study abroad? What will you gain from this experience, and how does it connect to your academic interests? These questions are both a great way to demonstrate interest to study abroad committees, but also to help clarify internally why exactly you want to study abroad! Some applications require a professor recommendation, but most do not. Applicants get their results back on March 1st, or a month after the application deadline—this is a relatively quick turnaround time! 

In my experience, studying abroad has been an irreplaceable experience. I've written extensively on my summer abroad in Morocco, but half a year later all of the great memories I made still pop around in my mind. Particularly in terms of language study abroads, having the chance to live with a host family is one of the most valuable parts of studying abroad; the friendships I was able to make with my host brothers led to tons of great experiences and fun nights in Rabat. 

The quarter system makes it possible to study abroad in multiple different places during your time at Dartmouth; it is certainly one of the largest reasons I decided to apply! For anyone interested in studying abroad, Dartmouth provides an accessible array of programs: there is definitely one out there for everyone! In addition, financial aid extends to study abroad programs; as a first-gen low-income student, this is critical to me. Not all schools offer this opportunity to study abroad for the same cost of studying domestically, so this accessibility is truly special.

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